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This page lists all of the data that Artifuse retains, and which cannot be deleted by associated users – users can delete all other individual-specific data either via their account administration pages, or on a case-by-case basis with regard to their favourites. In summary, we retain only information describing any previous transactions that you have made through the Artifuse website, which we required for administrative purposes. Refer to our Privacy Policy for further information.

Retained data

Reference data

order number

Unique identifying number provided to the buyer following confirmation of a successful payment.

artwork numbers

List of reference numbers for artwork included in each order.

Contact details

buyer name

Name of buyer, as supplied for delivery of the artwork.

buyer address

The address supplied for delivery of the artwork.

buyer contact details

Contact telephone number and email of buyer supplied to facilitate delivery.

seller name

Name of seller of the artwork.

seller address

The address from which the artwork was dispatched.

seller contact details

Contact telephone number and email of seller.

Billing details

billing method

Billing address and method of payment for transaction.

list price

Price of the artwork exclusive of transport costs.

courier price

Price charged for courier services.

insurance price

Price charged for transport insurance.

total price

Total price charged to buyer, comprised to the list price, courier price, and insurance price.

return courier price

Price charged for courier services for return delivery.

return insurance price

Price charged for transport insurance for return delivery.

payment to buyer

Refund paid to buyer following successful return.


payment date

Date payment received.

courier date

Date courier collected each artwork for delivery to the buyer.

delivery date

Date each artwork was delivered to the buyer.

courier return date

Date courier collected each artwork for return delivery.

return date

Date artwork delivered to supplier following return.

return payment date

Date return processed and refund sent to the buyer.

completion date

Date transaction completed.

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